Disciple-Making: Serve the World


The video explores the transformative power of the gospel as it spreads from a small church to multiple churches worldwide, focusing on the story of the church at Thessalonica. It emphasizes the significance of disciple-making, sharing the gospel, and fostering biblical community for both personal growth and community impact. The speaker reflects on the ripple effect of spreading the word, the joy in seeing others come to Christ, and the need for a proactive and relentless approach to spreading the gospel through disciple-making and church multiplication.

Introduction to Acts Chapter 17

The speaker invites the audience to Acts Chapter 17, summarizing the fast-paced journey through the book of Acts up to this point, highlighting the spread of the gospel from a small group to thousands of people saved and churches multiplied worldwide.

The Story of a Church in India

A story from India is shared where a small church multiplies into 93 churches, focusing on the outreach to an untouchable people group and the transformative power of the gospel in their lives.

Church at Thessalonica - Acts Chapter 17:1-9

Focus is put on the church at Thessalonica and the events described in Acts Chapter 17:1-9, highlighting the persecution faced and the impactful spread of the gospel in the region.

First Thessalonians Chapter 1

References to Paul's letter to the Thessalonians are made, emphasizing the faith and perseverance of the church in Thessalonica, underlining the importance of their work of faith, labor of love, and steadfastness of hope.

Living Out the Gospel - Disciple Making

The importance of disciple-making and sharing the gospel is discussed, stressing the role of believers in actively engaging in disciple making, sharing life with others, and experiencing biblical community and mission together.

The Importance of Making Disciples

Discussing the significance of making disciples and spreading the word of the gospel. Emphasizing the benefits for both individuals and the community. Exploring how the word is spread and reproduced with a focus on echoing the word to reach the nations.

The Sound of the Word Spreading

Analyzing the imagery of the word spreading like a trumpet blast, emphasizing the impact and reach of the gospel. Reflecting on the unique use of language by Paul and the resonance of the message.

Impact of Disciple Making

Highlighting the reverberation of disciple-making efforts in Thessalonica and beyond. Discussing the ripple effect of spreading the word and making disciples, leading to widespread faith in God.

Home-Centered Strategy

Exploring the central role of homes in early Christian gatherings and the simplicity of their strategy. Discussing the focus on sharing the gospel, teaching the word, and fostering relationships within the community.

Suffering and Reward

Examining the steep cost of spreading the gospel and the great rewards it brings. Reflecting on the joy and glory found in seeing others come to Christ despite the challenges and suffering faced by early Christians.

Call to Action

Encouraging a proactive and all-encompassing approach to spreading the gospel. Emphasizing the need for everyone to be involved in disciple-making and church multiplication, with a focus on a relentless pursuit of this mission.


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